Now that winter is upon us, this is a friendly reminder about snow removal and resident and homeowner responsibilities. In general, Douglas County is responsible for all street and road plowing including local residential streets. The High Prairie Farms Metro District is responsible for snow removal on District hard-surfaced trails and around community mail boxes while homeowners are responsible for sidewalks in front and along the sides of their homes. For more information please see the attached County brochures. Occasionally, you may see District personnel and equipment plowing a neighborhood street in an effort to assist the County in their residential responsibilities and as a courtesy to local homeowners.
Remember; by Douglas County Ordinance, homeowners are required to remove snow from sidewalks within 24 hours after snow stops.

Douglas County Snow Removal Fact Sheet
Douglas County Snow Removal Ordinance



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Mission Statement

HPFMD was established to provide a mechanism for efficiently financing, through the use of tax dollars, the maintenance of parks, open space, medians and assist Douglas County with snow removal, which facilitate and sustain the aesthetics and encourages the growth in the market values of the property in the District such as High Prairie Farms/Timbers Subdivisions.


High Prairie Farms Metropolitan District (HPFMD), a quasi-municipal corporation, was organized on May 5, 1986, and is governed pursuant to provisions of the Colorado Special District Act. The District was established to provide public services, including streets, safety protection, transportation and park and recreational facilities.