Horse Statue Vandalism
Late Saturday night or early Sunday morning the bronze horse statues located on S. Pinery Parkway at Singletree were vandalized. It appears someone tried to either steal or pull-down one of the statues using a tow-strap. Most of the damage was done to the statues moorings with some damage done to the statues themselves. The crime has been reported to the Douglas County Sheriffs department. Anyone with any information regarding the crime should contact the DC Sheriff non-emergency number; (303) 660-7500.

Although infrequent, vandalism does occur in our neighborhood and it affects all who live here. The best tool against vandalism is watchfulness by neighbors. Please report any suspicious activity to the Douglas County Sheriffs department.



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Mission Statement

HPFMD was established to provide a mechanism for efficiently financing, through the use of tax dollars, the maintenance of parks, open space, medians and assist Douglas County with snow removal, which facilitate and sustain the aesthetics and encourages the growth in the market values of the property in the District such as High Prairie Farms/Timbers Subdivisions.


High Prairie Farms Metropolitan District (HPFMD), a quasi-municipal corporation, was organized on May 5, 1986, and is governed pursuant to provisions of the Colorado Special District Act. The District was established to provide public services, including streets, safety protection, transportation and park and recreational facilities.